Sol R Skin Title 24 Compliant

International Insulation Products is proud to announce that Sol R Skin Class A Thermal Underlayment and Sol R Skin Composite Thermal Underlayment now qualify as an accepted insulating material by the State of California’s Department of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal insulation.

The listing allows the contractors/users to verify the product satisfies the California Energy Commission’s requirements as stated in the 2019 Energy Efficiency Standards (Title 24, Part 6).
These standards are designed to ensure new and existing buildings achieve energy efficiency.  Now Sol R Skin products are recognized as a product that makes homes more comfortable, lowers energy costs and aids in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.  Search for us using license number T 1512.

Sol R Skin Class A Thermal Underlayment is made up of a tough synthetic underlayment bonded to a fiberglass core bonded to a scrim reinforced radiant barrier.  Because it addresses all three modes of heat transfer, radiant, conductive and convective heat transfer, it has an R-Value of 5.5, reducing attic temperatures by up to 50°.  Passing the stringent ASTM E108 set of tests, it’s a one layer Class A level fire barrier in some installations.  Also, it is the only underlayment listed by CalFire, a program designed to protect life and property.

Sol R Skin Composite is made up of a tough synthetic underlayment bonded to a scrim reinforced radiant barrier.  This product works to reduce attic temperatures by reflecting radiant heat from entering the attic.  Sol R Skin Composite can work under most types of roof materials and has shown a reduction in attic temperatures by up to 30°.

International Insulation Products is headquartered in Atlanta, GA and manufactures radiant barrier and reflective insulation products.